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What Is Insecure Attachment

Writer's picture: Nikki WhiteNikki White

Having a fear of abandonment and struggling to ask for help might seem like two isolated character traits, but they actually share one common thread. Most people who identify with these behaviors have the same attachment style, characterized by insecurity, called insecure attachment style.

What is insecure attachment?

Insecure attachment is a term used in psychology to describe patterns of emotional and relational behavior that develop during early childhood and continue into adulthood. It is a type of attachment style that reflects the quality and nature of the relationships an individual forms with primary caregivers, typically parents or guardians, during their early years.

Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby and further elaborated by Mary Ainsworth, suggests that early interactions with caregivers shape a person's emotional and interpersonal relationships throughout their life. There are primarily four types of attachment styles:

Secure Attachment:

  • Characterized by a sense of trust, comfort, and confidence in relationships.

  • Individuals with secure attachment had caregivers who were responsive, available, and attuned to their needs during childhood.

  • They are generally able to form healthy, intimate relationships as adults, with an ability to express emotions and seek support.

Insecure Attachment Styles: These attachment styles are characterized by varying degrees of anxiety and avoidance in relationships.

  • a. Anxious-Preoccupied (Insecure-Ambivalent) Attachment:

    • Individuals with this style often fear rejection and abandonment.

    • They seek high levels of closeness and approval from others but may still worry about being unworthy of love.

    • This attachment style typically stems from inconsistent caregiving during childhood.

  • b. Avoidant (Insecure-Avoidant) Attachment:

    • Individuals with this style tend to avoid closeness and emotional intimacy.

    • They may be self-sufficient, prioritize independence, and find it challenging to trust others or express their needs.

    • This attachment style often arises from caregivers who were emotionally unavailable or neglectful.

  • c. Disorganized (Insecure-Disorganized) Attachment:

    • This attachment style is a combination of anxious and avoidant behaviors.

    • Individuals with this style may have experienced trauma, abuse, or extreme inconsistencies in caregiving during childhood.

    • They may struggle with emotional regulation and have difficulty trusting and relating to others in a consistent manner.

What causes insecure attachment?

Insecure attachment typically originates from early experiences in a child's life, primarily during infancy and childhood. These experiences, interactions, and the quality of relationships with primary caregivers are fundamental in shaping a child's attachment style.

Several factors can contribute to the development of insecure attachment:

Parental Availability and Responsiveness:

Insecure attachment can develop when primary caregivers are consistently unavailable, neglectful, or emotionally distant. Infants and children require consistent emotional and physical care for healthy attachment to form.

Parental Inconsistency:

Inconsistency in caregiving, where caregivers are unpredictable in meeting a child's needs, can lead to confusion and insecurity. Children may not know what to expect, which can result in anxious or avoidant attachment.

Neglect and Abandonment:

Children who experience neglect, abandonment, or prolonged separations from their primary caregivers may develop anxious or avoidant attachment styles. These experiences can create fear and uncertainty regarding the availability of caregivers.

Trauma and Abuse:

Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse can disrupt the formation of a secure attachment. Trauma can create fear, mistrust, and a sense of danger, influencing attachment patterns towards disorganized or anxious attachment.

Parental Mental Health:

Parents or caregivers struggling with mental health issues such as depression, substance abuse, or severe stress may have difficulty providing consistent and emotionally attuned caregiving, impacting the child's attachment.

Parental Attachment Style:

Parents' own attachment styles and unresolved trauma from their past can influence the attachment style they develop with their child. A parent's insecure attachment may be mirrored in the child's attachment style.

Early Separations or Loss:

Separations, loss of a parent, or frequent changes in caregivers can disrupt the formation of secure attachment, leading to anxiety and fear of abandonment.

Parental Conflict and Divorce:

High levels of parental conflict or divorce can create a stressful environment for the child, affecting their sense of safety and stability, and potentially resulting in insecure attachment.

Inadequate Caregiving Knowledge:

Lack of awareness or knowledge about child development and caregiving practices may contribute to unintentional inadequate caregiving, impacting the child's attachment formation.

Socioeconomic Factors:

Poverty, lack of resources, and unstable living conditions can limit the availability of consistent caregiving, affecting the formation of secure attachments.

Understanding the causes of insecure attachment is essential in developing interventions and support systems to promote secure attachment in children and provide appropriate assistance to individuals struggling with insecure attachment patterns in adulthood. Early intervention and therapeutic support can help mitigate the effects of insecure attachment and promote healthier relational patterns.

How insecure attachment affects adulthood.

Insecure attachment developed during childhood can have significant and lasting effects on individuals throughout their adulthood. These effects can manifest in various areas of their lives, including relationships, emotional regulation, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Here are ways in which insecure attachment can impact adulthood:

1. Relationship Challenges:

  • Difficulty Trusting Others: People with insecure attachment may struggle to trust others, always fearing abandonment or rejection. This can hinder the formation of deep, meaningful relationships.

  • Fear of Intimacy: Insecurely attached individuals may avoid emotional closeness or intimacy, fearing vulnerability and potential emotional pain.

  • Dependency or Over-Reliance: Some may become overly dependent on others for validation and support due to a lack of internalized self-assurance.

2. Communication and Conflict Resolution:

  • Communication Issues: Insecure attachment can lead to difficulty in expressing emotions and needs clearly, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships.

  • Conflict Avoidance or Aggression: People with insecure attachment may either avoid conflicts at all costs or respond with excessive aggression due to unresolved emotional issues.

3. Emotional Regulation:

  • Emotional Instability: Insecurely attached individuals may experience frequent and intense emotional ups and downs, struggling to regulate their emotions effectively.

  • Suppression of Emotions: Some may suppress their emotions to avoid rejection or judgment, leading to a buildup of emotional stress.

4. Self-Esteem and Self-Worth:

  • Low Self-Esteem: Insecure attachment can contribute to a negative self-image, feelings of inadequacy, and a persistent belief that one is unworthy of love or acceptance.

  • Validation Seeking: Individuals may constantly seek validation and approval from others to compensate for the lack of validation during their upbringing.

5. Coping Mechanisms:

  • Unhealthy Coping Strategies: In response to emotional pain and insecurities, individuals may turn to harmful coping mechanisms such as substance abuse, self-harm, or excessive risk-taking.

6. Parenting and Caregiving:

  • Impact on Parenting Styles: Adults with insecure attachment may struggle to provide consistent and emotionally attuned parenting to their own children, perpetuating the cycle of insecure attachment.

7. Career and Achievement:

  • Fear of Failure: Insecurely attached individuals may fear failure and criticism, impacting their ability to take risks and pursue career goals effectively.

  • Lack of Assertiveness: Difficulty in asserting oneself at the workplace can hinder career advancement and satisfaction.

8. Health and Well-Being:

  • Mental and Physical Health Issues: Insecure attachment can contribute to anxiety, depression, stress-related disorders, and physical health problems due to chronic stress.

9. Patterns of Attraction:

  • Repetition of Unhealthy Relationships: Individuals may unknowingly repeat patterns of unhealthy relationships, gravitating towards partners who replicate past dynamics.

Understanding the impact of insecure attachment on adulthood is crucial for individuals seeking to heal and grow. Through therapy, self-reflection, and the development of healthy coping strategies, individuals can work towards breaking these patterns and fostering more secure and fulfilling relationships in adulthood.

How to fix insecure attachment.

Fixing insecure attachment involves a process of self-awareness, healing, and forming healthier relationship patterns. It's important to note that while the impact of insecure attachment can be profound, with effort and dedication, individuals can develop more secure and fulfilling relationships. Here are steps to work towards healing and improving attachment security:

1. Self-Awareness and Understanding:

  • Reflect on Your Past: Understand your upbringing and early relationships. Recognize how these experiences have shaped your attachment style and impacted your relationships.

  • Identify Your Attachment Style: Learn about different attachment styles (secure, anxious, avoidant, disorganized) to identify your own patterns of behavior and responses in relationships.

2. Therapeutic Intervention:

  • Seek Professional Help: Consider working with a therapist specializing in attachment and relational issues. Therapies like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or Attachment-Based Therapy can be beneficial.

  • Explore Past Trauma: If you've experienced trauma that contributes to your insecure attachment, work with a therapist to process and heal from these experiences.

3. Develop Emotional Regulation and Mindfulness:

  • Mindfulness Practice: Learn mindfulness techniques to become more aware of your emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations. This awareness can help you respond to situations in a more intentional and balanced way.

  • Emotional Expression: Practice expressing your emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. This may involve journaling, creative arts, or verbal communication with a trusted friend or therapist.

4. Building Secure Relationships:

  • Form Positive Relationships: Surround yourself with individuals who provide emotional support, understanding, and respect. Cultivate new relationships that align with your growth and healing goals.

  • Communicate Your Needs: Practice open and honest communication with those you trust. Learn to express your needs and feelings in a direct and assertive manner.

5. Challenge Negative Beliefs:

  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Identify and challenge negative beliefs you may hold about yourself, relationships, and trust. Replace them with more realistic and positive perspectives.

  • Work on Self-Esteem: Engage in activities that boost your self-esteem and self-worth. Celebrate your strengths and accomplishments.

6. Reparenting and Inner Child Work:

  • Reparent Your Inner Child: Provide the love, care, and validation to your inner child that you may not have received in your past. Treat yourself with the kindness and compassion you needed then.

7. Practice Secure Attachment Behaviors:

  • Be Available and Responsive: Make an effort to be emotionally available and responsive to the needs of your loved ones, creating a secure and trusting environment.

  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to set and respect healthy boundaries in your relationships, allowing for a balanced give-and-take dynamic.

8. Educational Resources:

  • Read Books and Articles: Explore books and articles on attachment theory, self-compassion, emotional intelligence, and healthy relationships to deepen your understanding and gain helpful insights.

9. Patience and Persistence:

  • Be Patient with Yourself: Healing from insecure attachment takes time and effort. Be patient and kind to yourself throughout this journey of growth and transformation.

Working on healing insecure attachment is an ongoing process. By being proactive, seeking support, and implementing these strategies, you can gradually move towards a more secure and fulfilling way of relating to yourself and others.

Need Help Developing A Plan For Self-Care

Do you want help developing a self-care plan that works for your busy schedule? Do you want accountability in implementing a self-care plan? If you or someone you love is struggling to maintain optimal mental and emotional health, consider reaching out to Spiced Life Conversation Art Wellness Studio and Botanica. We are a Metro Atlanta, Conyers Georgia area. We are a coaching and counseling practice with empathetic, skilled counselors and recovery coaches who can help you set goals, develop a self-care routine, and move forward to build a more fulfilling life. Our team would be happy to work with you either just for a couple of sessions to develop and implement a Self-care plan or longer term to work toward overall better mental health within our membership site or other programs.

Dr. Nikki LeToya White
Dr. Nikki LeToya White

About The Author:

Dr. Nikki LeToya White MSEd-TL, Ph.D. RHN is the founder, director, and full-time board-certified trauma-informed nutritionist, folk herbalist, and wellness consultant at Spiced Life Conversation Art Wellness Studio and Botanica. She created Spiced Life Conversation, LLC

Art Wellness Studio and Botanica to provide the Metro Atlanta area with counseling and coaching services where clients are carefully matched with the right program for healing abandonment and childhood emotional neglect trauma that cause codependency, emotional eating, financial stress, and imposter syndrome as it relates to fear of success and being abandon. We help you begin your emotional healing journey with ease. Recently, we have expanded to include an online membership site so we now provide support to people living all over the world. All of our recovery coaches provide at least one evidence-based treatment to assist in your recovery. Dr. White is a big proponent of self-care and helping people live a fulfilling life! She has been in full remission with both codependency and emotional binge eating disorder since 2016. In living a life in recovery from sugar addiction. Loving her low-sugar balance lifestyle.

Best Regards

Dr. Nikki LeToya White


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I specialize in working with individuals who identify as Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), Introverts, or Empaths. I also work with women dealing with codependency, women's health issues of coping with vaginal atrophy, nutrition in recovery after abdominoplasty surgery, financial stress, and emotional eating habits. 


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