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Nutritionists help their clients stay focused on their goals by providing regular encouragement and motivation. They discuss the pros and cons of specific diets and food trends, and what impact those have on health. Nutritionists are experts in food and nutrition. They can help patients choose the right things to eat, help them plan menus, and advise them on the health effects of certain foods. Nutritionists assess a patient’s current dietary habits and needs, educate them on healthy eating habits, follow up to ensure the menus are working, and write reports that document a patient’s progress. They teach people about good nutrition and preventing health problems through proper foods. Nutritionists frequently work closely with individuals who have medical issues, such as those with diabetes or those undergoing chemotherapy, to help them find the right foods to eat for their best possible health.





Integrative and Functional Nutrition is based on a medical nutrition model that combines the very best of modern science, clinical wisdom, and integrative therapies. Increasing consumer demand, advancing technology, and the changing healthcare landscape are driving the demand for clinicians trained in integrative and functional nutrition (IFN). A central theme of the training is learning to identify the “root causes” of disease methodically and systematically rather than the mundane prescription of medical nutrition protocols based on a diagnosis. This requires a deep understanding of function, not just pathology; networks of physiology, not just “silo” organ systems, and an organized, integrated nutrition assessment. The IFNCP (Integrative and Functional Nutrition Care Practitioner) is a trained clinician able to critically assess a patient using a “whole systems” approach and personalize a holistic nutrition care plan to restore function and improve outcomes.




What is Slow Living?

“Being Slow means that you control the rhythms of your own life. You decide how fast you have to go in any given context. If today I want to go fast, I go fast; if tomorrow I want to go slow, I go slow. What we are fighting for is the right to determine our tempos.” — Carlo Petrini


“Slow living is just living slowly, in whatever and however way that means to you. It’s about knowing and passionately loving the things we value and designing our lives to spend the most time possible enjoying them. It’s about having intentionality and consciousness in our activities, about escaping the mindless scrolling and unproductive multi-tasking and focusing on purposeful action. It’s about embracing the fact that you’re not doing it all – it’s about doing less, but better.” — Kayte Ferris


“A Slow Movement is gaining momentum as more and more people challenge the canard that faster is always better. To take part, you don’t have to ditch your career, toss the iPhone, or join a commune. Living Slow is not about living like a snail. It means doing everything at the right speed—fast, slow, or whatever pace delivers the best results. Many micromovements are already thriving under the Slow umbrella: Slow Food, Slow Cities, Slow Work, Slow Sex, Slow Technology, Slow Education, Slow Parenting, Slow Design, Slow Travel, Slow Fashion, Slow Science, Slow Art.” — Carl Honoré



What is Shadow Work? 


A big part of healing and finding more peace is doing shadow work. That is, facing those parts of ourselves that we'd rather shove in a box and pretend didn't exist. The shadow is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung, and it refers to our deepest wounds. The wounds that have us believing we're flawed, unlovable, undeserving people. These wounds are often created in childhood, but can sometimes develop later in life. Perhaps you were bullied or experienced a traumatic life event that created a wound. Other times, these wounds are cultural. They develop from prevailing social beliefs, such as the way money is tied to self-worth. When left unattended, these wounds fester, leading us to live in this place of deficiency. Doing shadow work allows us to live in a place of wholeness and expansion. We stop interpreting interactions from the lens of the wounded self. We understand that most things in life are not about us, but about the people who are acting unconsciously from their unhealed wounds.



What is Inner Child Healing Work



Inner child work is the process of contacting, understanding, embracing, and healing your inner child. Your inner child represents your first original self that entered into this world; it contains your capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, and playfulness. Not everyone is in touch with their inner child. Often, when people connect with their inner child, it's because they're dealing with a problem rooted in an early wounding. Even if your inner child is healthy and happy, there is a part of you that feels and reacts to life the way a child does. Everyone experiences this. The challenge is to know, accept, and connect with that part of your personality. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, "Your InnerCild is that part of your personality that still reacts and feels like a child." I’ve worked with all different demographics of people. Over time I’ve come to understand that most people seek help for relationship “communication problems”, destructive habits (addiction, self-sabotage), identity confusion (“Who AM I”), and generalized feelings of low-self worth. All the things I too struggled with during my emotional healing journey of  Emotional Abandonment, Childhood Emotional Neglect, Codependency, Lose Sense of Self, Low Self Worth, and Emotional Binge Eating Disorder. 


Each of these issues manifests differently, but they’re all tied to one thing: conditioned behavior practiced since childhood, that now needs healing to stop affecting your adult life in negative ways.




Is this right for me?  What kind of clients do you work with?


You want a better relationship with food and begin your emotional abandonment recovery journey and are ready and willing to change behaviors in your life to have it!  You aren't looking for a quick fix.  You understand that lasting change does not happen overnight and the real value is in slow incremental change - the kind that truly becomes a part of your life.  You can be honest about your struggles, willing and ready to face your painful wounds/heartbreak, and are open to receiving support and feedback to achieve a new perspective even if that means learning to forgive those you cause you pain. Not for them but for yourself! 


Does this sound like you? If so you are the right fit for our program.


"I’ve lost my identity. My sense of self. I feel completely confused and exhausted. I try to take up hobbies but I just can’t find my ‘thing’. My life has become so wrapped up in everyone else dreams and goals that there’s no joy anymore. I tend to find myself struggling with people-pleasing, codependency, separation anxiety, and depression, and I tend to emotionally eat because I don’t know how to get unstuck or even understand why I feel stuck or like something is missing in my life. I don’t know my place in this world it’s frustrating that I revolve my entire life around my spouse or other people. Then I feel like no one cares about how I feel or even considers my needs. It’s like I just keep giving giving giving and everyone else keeps taking. I’m tired of these one-sided relationships, but I don’t know what to do."



I'm not in Atlanta, Georgia. Panama City Beach, Florida. or Denver, Colorado.  Can I still work with you? 


Yes, absolutely!  I have a jumpstart online course " Embrace Your Wounds and Transform Your Relationship With Food" and I also offer a 90-day self-study online coaching program with email support. All you need is an internet connection and the desire to have peace in your relationship with food and the courage to begin your healing journey!  



What can I expect from the initial 50-minute office consultation?


We will discuss your goals and challenges and I will share my thoughts on a proposed plan of action moving forward.  This plan will entail the combination of sessions and resources that we both feel will best support you.  You should be prepared to commit to the process.



How many sessions will I need and how often?


This will depend on you.  Some individuals achieve their goals in a matter of a few months, however, for others, this is a longer-term process.  I have some Emotional Wellness Counseling clients that I've worked with for up to 2 years.  For others with more specific tangible goals, who seek to transition into a whole food plant-based lifestyle or seek household management sessions the work might be 2-6 months.  From my experience, the sweet spot for starting to see real traction is somewhere between the 2-3 month mark.



What will I need to do?


For this process to be most effective for you, you will need to take an active role. This means working on the things you and I talk about both during and between sessions.  Generally, the more of yourself you are willing to invest, the greater the return.  This is your work, and I am here to support and guide you.  It's up to you to do the inner work that starts the healing process.



What kind of program do you offer?


My programs incorporate a parallel approach that combines the creative process (expressive art and writing), emotional wellness counseling, goals coaching, lifestyle management coaching, and a whole food-eating philosophy. Have you thought or said "I know what to do... I just don't do it!"?  That's the space we'll dig into... the "why" and then the "how".  As far as format, I coach clients in person, over the phone, and virtually and have an online self-paced course available for those who prefer to work on their own, at their own pace with email support.



Will I receive a weekly meal plan? 


I do not offer a weekly meal planning service.  Lasting change comes from truly learning how to create meals for yourself based on healthy eating guidelines. I believe in the old saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day... teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". I will show you examples of healthy eating and help you figure out what you need to do to be successful and will support and guide you in the planning, but it will be up to you to implement the weekly planning, meal prep, and cooking as this is an important skill and part of your recovery. I do not con don codependency I teach you how to live independently and make wise choices for yourself. Part of overcoming codependency and learning how to set healthy boundaries means learning to make your own decisions. If you do not know how to cook or meal prep I will teach you the basic. 



How will we communicate?  


Email, phone, and text can be used for administrative purposes and scheduling issues.  Our scheduled sessions (office/phone/virtual email) are the only appropriate forum to work through any content-related issues unless this has been previously discussed and agreed upon by both parties.



Why Don't You Counsel for weight loss or See Weight-loss Clients?


I currently hold four licenses in my private practice. I am a licensed board-certified nutritionist, weight management specialist, and wellness behavior health coach, who specializes in trauma and addiction. I am also a license ordain minister certified as a Pastoral Counselor with over two decades of experience in vocational, grieving, marriage, and family counseling.  I no longer work as a nursing assistant who specializes in Digestive and Skin Health IBS-C (chronic constipation) and Postoperative surgery for the management and prevention of constipation after surgery for c-section/postpartum moms, anal fissure surgery, and other surgery that resolve constipation. The 80/20 Life Detox is a 90-Day program that was created to help clients with emotional abandonment trauma that struggle with codependency, approval addiction aka people pleasing, and emotional binge eating. I help wounded women begin their healing journey by guiding them through the grieving process as they process their painful memories and traumatic events that have them stuck in life, I use expressive art, writing, counseling, and coaching, to help during their healing journey. I also help them rebuild their relationship with food and transition into a healthy whole food plant-based lifestyle by teaching the importance of digestive, immune, and skin health and offering tools and resources to cope with emotional eating and life management after recovery.  


I do not see weight loss clients because I am an emotional wellness expert specializing in trauma and addiction helping women recover from emotional abandonment trauma that causes unhealthy addiction and behavior habits codependency, approval addiction, and emotional binge eating. In my private practice at Spiced Life Conversation, LLC I provide clients with nutrition and spiritual counseling and lifestyle management advice to help manage their behaviors and release energetic blockage that prevents them from living a healthy intentional life on their terms.  I teach why chronic dieting, emotional eating, codependency, and people-pleasing isn’t the answer and teach my client how to begin their recovery journey to heal past emotional wounds,  and transition into a healthy whole-food lifestyle, I teach how proper nutrition can help reduce stress, I teach how to lead cleanses and detoxes,  I help clients put their pain into perspective as I support them during their emotional abandonment healing recovery and create a healthier relationship with food, themselves, and others who overstep their boundaries and may trigger them to perform unhealthy behavior.  I assist in the organization process that set the foundation of change. 


This is not a dieting program. This is a specialized nutrition education and emotional wellness program for serious individuals in need of change who suffer from emotional abandonment issues that cause them to emotionally eat, people please, act in codependent ways, and need to learn coping skills to lead healthier lives. I also help clients that have stress that causes skin issues, constipation issues that cause them to experience a diagnosis that says they are on the verge of anal fissure surgery who need to detox and cleanse to prevent surgery, or who recently had surgery but experiencing constipation or seek to learn how to transition into a healthy whole food lifestyle. This is a beginners course for people who lack information and knowledge on how to eat healthy for digestion, skin, and general health and who seek to start their recovery journey from emotional abandonment trauma that causes them to emotionally eat, people please and act in codependent ways that are affecting their normal way of life. For example, when you enter a new relationship do you tend to lose yourself? As time passes by and you look back on your life you see that you barely recognize yourself, and you don't remember the last time you decided on your own life you kind of have adapted to your partner's lifestyle and needs, you don't know your own goals and passions anymore, you've lost touch with what you want out of life,  you don't speak up about your wants and desires you tend to put others needs before your own. You think it's better to not rock the boat! Instead, you're shoving aside your individuality in favor of the relationship. You use us more than you use ME. Your self-esteem has lowered. You lack faith and confidence in yourself. You don't know what's best for you anymore. You look for anything to fill the void, binge drinking, binge watching tv, shopping, binge eating to ease your unhappiness, and you wonder where your sense of self went off to. You feel hopeless, stuck, and want out of it but don't know how to move forward. These are behaviors of my clients who struggle with emotional abandonment trauma and painful events that cause them to think and behave in unhealthy ways of codependency, approval addiction aka people pleasing, and emotional eating. If this sounds like you. Let's have a conversation. 




DOES Spiced Life Conversation, LLC ACCEPT INSURANCE?


At this time no, we no longer accept health insurance. Since rebranding my practice in 2016, my work is generally incompatible with the services that insurance will cover, so I don’t bill insurance companies anymore. However, physicians do refer clients to us.  We are happy to provide you with a receipt so you can submit it for reimbursement. Payments are expected at the time of your visit. For your convenience, we do accept all major credit and offer payment plans throughout the duration of the course. However, all payments must be paid at the time of the visit before any sessions take place. We offer a discount for paying in full during early bird enrollment, getting on the waiting list secures your discount and spot.


Let Me Explain My Change of Heart. 

After completing my post-doctoral residencies, going through my healing and recovery journey, and as my specialty evolved, I realized accepting insurance no longer made sense for the work I do. Ultimately, my decision came down to acting with integrity and practicing what I preached to clients, and personal beliefs from what I've seen in the mental health field. 


Insurance companies operate on a medical model, which means they require a diagnosis to establish that you have "a medical necessity" to seek services to pay providers. The vast majority of insurance companies don't consider relationship issues (like couples or family therapy), developmental/attachment trauma, existential issues like generational emotional wounds, codependency people pleasing, emotional eating, financial stress-money blocks, impostor syndrome, life-transitions, personal development, or self-improvement as "medical-necessities" because there are no diagnoses for these in the DSM-V. 


Plus, I believe that you have a right to the confidentiality of your medical records. You also have the liberty to progress through treatment and/or wellness plans at a pace that's best for you- one that allows you sufficient time to take in everything that you're experiencing. As a seasoning counselor, I've seen that growth, healing, and recovery unfold differently for each person. 


in a prior contract with a mental health company I've seen an insurance company decline authorization of additional sessions because clients weren't progressing fast enough, many didn't reimburse for 60-minute sessions, the company was an audit and the person doing the audit would read the treatment plans and progress notes searching for fraud to determine whether if the company was allowing the client to overuse insurance coverage. I saw this as unnecessary and a lack of privacy and confidentiality. I believe if you are paying your hard earn money for insurance you should be able to use it for any health issue or self-improvement. As a certified Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent, I understand fraud prevention, that is my job. However, call me crazy, but as a Nutritionist and Intuitive Spiritual Counselor I feel that people should get the help they need without fear, stigma, or reprisal for making their mental, emotional, spiritual, physical health, and personal growth a priority. I'm just saying that's my own belief. 




Please notify Spiced Life conversation as soon as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment–either by phone or email. If you do not attend your appointment or have not given 48-hour notice, you will be charged the full session fee. Exceptions include dangerous weather or medical emergency. A $75 No show and late cancellation fees are expected before the next appointment.




***Please note that once we have sent you the information (the intellectual property) there is no way to return it. So please be sure about your decision before you sign up for these programs. There are NO REFUNDS or exchanges on ebooks, courses, training program courses, or coaching sessions, once they have been paid for and downloaded.





This website is for information purposes only. Nikki (Spiced Life Conversation) will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of the information contained on this site. I am not a doctor and do not claim to be one. As such, the information you read cannot be taken as medical advice or substituted for one. Nothing on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. I shall not be held liable for the decisions made by readers of this site. I strive to always disclose when such situations take place. 

To put your mind at ease, I only promote products/brands that I use and enjoy. Spiced Life Conversation does not accept advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, and other forms of compensation other than our affiliate with Avon. I have used Avon products since childhood. I was brought up using this brand it's all I know, uses, and recommend. I am an Avon skincare consultant. I became part of the Avon affiliate program in 2008 to raise funds for my outreach program through my nonprofit organization, The Light of Day Inc. I did not want to depend on government loans so I found a simple solution to my problem.  I give ten percent of each purchase to the outreach the rest pays for the organization's expenses. The link to Avon is my online e-store, you will probably see it spread out throughout the website. We appreciate your support and belief in us. Thank You! I love hearing from people who cross my path that my work has helped. Please feel free to email me and ask questions or just to connect I love hearing recovery stories and the tools you use to cope. Feel free to connect with me especially if you are in the Atlanta, Denver Colorado, or Panama City Beach area I work in all three places in-person a lot. I would love to have a meet and greet. Or even schedule a lifestyle management session while I'm there. Let's meet up for coffee and conversation. Thanks Again! 


Love and Light!!!

Nikki LeToya White



In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? -Psalm 56:11



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I specialize in working with individuals who identify as Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), Introverts, or Empaths. I also work with women dealing with codependency, women's health issues of coping with vaginal atrophy, nutrition in recovery after abdominoplasty surgery, financial stress, and emotional eating habits. 


Note: I am not a doctor and do not diagnose or treat disease, nor make recommendations regarding medical treatment or medications. Please see my disclosure form for more information.

Some products may have affiliate links where I get a small commission if you click on the link and buy. 

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