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Living Life in Recovery Program™

Recovery From Addiction and Relapse Prevention


What It Means To

Live a Sober Lifestyle

""Love is the great miracle cure.

Loving ourselves works

miracles in our lives."

-Louise L. Hay

What is Sober Living?

Dr. Nikki Letoya White

Spiced Life Conversation, LLC

Art Wellness Studio and Botanica 

Can Help Keep You On The Path To Recovery


Sober living isn’t just about lowering your sugar intake or desire to please. It’s a lifestyle that encompasses many different aspects of your life. We teach you how to balance your whole life with a complete life detox. For example, a life detox can help you make better decisions, keep you stress-free, and even improve your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial health. If you’re ready to start living an active sober lifestyle, we can help you recover from addiction and prevent relapse.


Let us be part of your wellness team. 


Begin Coping With Childhood Emotional Neglect and Abandonment Trauma Today!

What is Sober Living?


Sober living is an approach to life that centers on abstinence from codependency (people pleasing) and living a low-sugar lifestyle, including healing from unresolved pain from abandonment and childhood emotional neglect trauma that causes other self-sabotaging behavior like impostor syndrome as it relates to a fear of success and being abandon as well as financial stress (taken on other debt- recusing and neglect your wellness, business, and life goals). While there are many different approaches to sobriety, the main goal is to abstain from emotional eating altogether. Sober living is also referred to as “dry” or “clean” living. Sober living practices can vary from person to person, but the basic rules of abstinence remain the same. Sober living isn’t about setting arbitrary expectations for yourself, but about creating a better life for yourself as you learn how to deal with stress and overcome your emotional eating habits. 


Our Sober living program is different from a rehabilitation program, which aims to help you change your codependent and emotional eating behavior. For example, many people choose to enter a rehabilitation program to stop drinking, stop using drugs, or overcome an eating disorder. Our sober living program, on the other hand, is about abstaining from all self-sabotaging behavior and things that no longer serve you, including sugar addiction. It's a perfect program for those beginning their emotional healing journey. It's also a good after-care program for those seeking support after rehab who lack discipline or emotional support as they reenter their life after detoxification. 





Benefits of Sober Living



Clearer Mind 

Living a sober lifestyle can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and why you choose to act the way that you do. The first step in recovery is to recognize and accept that you have a problem with addiction. This often involves coming to terms with the negative impact it has had on your life. Read about How to come to terms with addiction here. 


Better Decisions 

When you’re not clouded by stress or concerns of body shaming, you’re more likely to make better decisions, like staying in school and keeping a steady job. Living an active sober lifestyle can also help you avoid risky behaviors and get into a healthy relationship that’s right for you. Building a Wellness Team will help you stay on track. Reaching out to a healthcare professional who specializes in addiction and trauma can help you assess the severity of your habits and create a personalized recovery plan and aftercare routine that provides structured support. Read more about the importance of structured routines here


Better Health 

Several studies have shown that people who abstain from substance abuse and other addictions have better overall health. Living a sober lifestyle can help you avoid medical complications and improve your immune system, and mental and emotional health.


Fewer Consequences 

Abstaining from substances and emotional eating has several consequences, including a clean bill of health, better decision-making, and a relationship with yourself that’s much more positive.




Tools of the Sober Life



Books and Audio Recordings

Books and audio programs like podcasts or lectures are an easy way to stay motivated in abstaining from substances and emotional eating.  


Daily Affirmations

Living a sober lifestyle is all about reinforcing positive beliefs. You can do this by reading affirmations out loud, visualizing your goals, or writing them down and sticking them up somewhere where you’ll see them every day. 



Journaling is another excellent way to keep track of your goals and start a conversation with yourself about why you want to make positive changes. It’s also a great way to keep track of any triggers you identify and maintain an activity schedule. Addiction recovery usually depends on some level of structured living. It’s up to you to find the right level of structure that works for you!



Living a sober lifestyle is about more than abstaining from substances and emotional eating. It’s also about taking care of yourself, whether that means eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, or getting some exercise.




Spiced Life Conversation, LLC  Can Help Keep You on the Path to Recovery


Spiced Life Conversation, LLC offers excellent recovery programs with tailored care. In these programs, individuals can develop positive coping skills with the tools necessary to maintain sobriety from sugar addiction. Spiced Life Conversation, LLC even provides wellness and lifestyle tools to assist your healing journey. We also offer wellness retreat rentals for those who lack privacy at home and need a place to focus on doing the work needed to heal and recover without distraction.  We also provide short-term family vacation housing to provide support for newly sober individuals reconnecting with loved ones. But no matter where you are in your recovery, Gutty Girl Homes and Spiced life Conversation, LLC can provide support every step of the way. We have wellness retreats and family vacation homes for sober living in Panama City Beach, Florida, Atlanta, Orange Beach Alabama, San Diego California, and Colorado Springs ready to assist you in living your sober lifestyle. Email Spiced Life Conversation, LLC GuttyGirl Homes for more information on the sober living process and current availability.


A lot of people want quick solutions when they’re seeking successful sobriety and recovery. But the truth of the matter is that recovery is a lifelong process. It’s cultivated carefully through time and dedication. That being said, let’s discuss some key strategies that will foster successful sobriety no matter the stage of recovery.




In the Life in Recovery Program™ 


We will discuss...


  1. ​Wellness Goals

  2. Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

  3. Cultivate Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  4. Recognizing Signs of Relapse ​

  5. Staying on a Path Of Sober Living and Recovering




                 What Level Are You On?


 During my emotional healing journey, I found that wellness goals for achieving sobriety consist of traveling through four levels to achieve sobriety. Student Level: Learning to Forgive Apprentice Level: Learning to Process and Regulate Emotions. Journeyman Level: Practice Self-Care Rituals. Master Level: Hold The Vision


One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.”

   – Demi Lovato







                                                                    “When you have a problem and you escape with food, drink, 

                                                                               take drugs, shop, lottery, or gamble the problem

                                                                                   won’t go away. Don't be triggered. Know your worth. 

                                                                                           Stay and tackle the problem.” 


                                                                                  -Dr. Nikki LeToya White
















Student Level


Student Level- Breaking Denial and Learning to Forgive and Move Forward In Creating A New Vision for Your Life.


  • Are you stuck holding onto grudges?

  • Unable to forgive

  • Have trouble dealing with past trauma and addiction triggers 

  • Struggling to cope with the fear of being abandoned


Do you find yourself saying, “I can’t get past what happened to me? Forgiving those who hurt me, and acknowledging the pain seem like I condone the pain they cause me and that’s not right or fair I didn’t do anything wrong and don’t deserve to be treated this way.  

How to heal.


Acceptance is essentially an emotional challenge. While we can make a logical decision to accept an unpleasant reality, this does not flip a switch to produce the emotional acceptance we desire. Full acceptance requires the maturity to embrace all emotional reactions while not being overly identified with them. Unfortunately, it’s the first step to healing. This is the work that you need to focus on to begin your journey of healing and rebuilding your life in recovery.





Apprentice Level


Apprentice Level- Deal with Difficult Emotions, Faculty Thoughts, and Toxic One-Sided Relationships. Learn to process and regulate emotions and triggers that cause self-sabotaging habits. 


  • Are you having trouble dealing with self-doubt, faculty thoughts, and fear-based worldviews?

  • Do you tend to fall in love with people you think you can fix, help, rescue, heal, and or be useful to, hoping that in doing so, they'll never leave you?

  • Unable to control emotions in times of stress seeking means of escape or avoiding the pain and stress in your life. 


Does this cause you to repress your needs, minimize your pain, and avoid the pain with food, chemicals, and toxic relationships as opposed to dealing with the stress and pain? 


How to heal. 


Codependency is a coping and survival strategy adult children from dysfunctional homes rely on to avoid pain. Childhood emotional neglect and often, abandonment issues, leave invisible scars. As a result, a codependent will ache to attach themselves to others, falsely believing a relationship can save them. When people don’t return the love and affection we desire we think we have done something wrong, think faculty thoughts, and respond with people pleasing and self- abandon. Unfortunately, no one taught us how to process or regulate our emotions and as a result, we are then prone to food, chemical, and relationship addiction. This is the work that you need to focus on to begin your journey of healing on the Apprentice Level and rebuilding your life in recovery. 





Journeyman Level


Journeyman Level- Dealing with cravings, Triggers, and Old Habits in times of stress. Learn to create a structured routine, practice self-care rituals, and detoxify from sugar addiction. 



  • Unable to control sugar cravings, dependencies, and emotional eating.

  • Keep breaking promises you made to yourself to accommodate others’ needs.

  • Too much negativity in your environment causes you to go back to old ways.

  • Do you find yourself making excuses about not having time to make your wellness goals a top priority?


How to heal.


Achieving sobriety is a life-altering journey. Understanding its importance, recognizing it as a lifelong commitment, and implementing a structured routine is key to preventing relapse. Lifestyle Changes: Establish routines, and improve your diet, exercise, and sleep patterns. This is the work that you need to focus on to begin your journey of healing on the Apprentice Level and rebuilding your life in recovery. 





Master Level


Master Level- Frustration, Impatience. Learning to be disciplined, focus, and have hope and optimism so you can hold the new vision for your life in recovery. This is what’s required.


Milestones to Focus On:


Days of Sobriety: Celebrate each day of sobriety as an achievement.


Positive Coping Mechanisms for Building Favor Thoughts: Develop and utilize healthy coping strategies for dealing with self-doubt and fear-based worldview.


Emotional Stability: Observe increased emotional resilience and stability.


Improved Relationships: Track the mending of relationships with loved ones.


Physical Health: Notice improvements in your physical well-being and energy levels through a healthy diet, exercise, sleep, and dealing with stress.


Personal Goals: Set and accomplish personal and professional goals including spiritual health and financial health.


Doing the work for taking care of yourself financially is very important so you won't be financially dependent on anyone. Being financially dependent can be a trigger to people struggling with abandonment issues. Many people experience setbacks or life circumstances that result in temporarily relying on others for financial help. Being financially dependent in the longer term, however, is a financial disorder. It is defined in Facilitating Financial Health as “reliance on others for non-work income that creates fear or anxiety of being cut off, feelings of anger or resentment related to the non-work income, and a stifling of one’s motivation, passion, and/or drive to succeed.”

You need to create a life that gives you options and independence. Working through each level gives you this freedom.


Achieving each level is the goal of becoming your best independent self while learning how to balance your needs when supporting people in your interdependent relationship so you will never lose yourself again. 


Does this sound like something you need?


You can do this.


God promises Deuteronomy 30: 3-8


3 God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered.

4 No matter how far away you end up, God, your God, will get you out of there

5 and bring you back to the land your ancestors once possessed. It will be yours again. He will give you a good life and make you more numerous than your ancestors.

6 God, your God, will cut away the thick calluses on your heart and your children's hearts, freeing you to love God, your God, with your whole heart and soul and live, really live.

7 God, your God, will put all these curses on your enemies who hated you and were out to get you.

8 And you will make a new start, listening obediently to God, keeping all his commandments that I'm commanding you today. 


Let us help you organize yourself healthy and wealthy.



To get on the waitlist for our Fall and Winter Life In Recovery Program click the link below.





Fall Session Duration:

August and September


Registration is Open July 11th and Closed July 22nd

Class Begins August 1st, 2022


Winter Session Duration:

January and February 


Registration is Open December 12th and Closed December 29th

Class Begins January 2nd, 2023


Total Investment for private one-on-one support 6-Weeks




Let’s Work Together

2890 Georgia Hwy 212 A-247

Conyers, Ga 30094

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Whether you are simply someone looking to be understood
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2890 Georgia Hwy 212                                                                            Hours                                                          

 A-247                                                                                               Monday: 7AM-7PM                                                

Conyers, GA 30094                                                                        Tuesday: 8 AM-3 PM 

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I specialize in working with individuals who identify as Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), Introverts, or Empaths. I also work with women dealing with codependency, women's health issues of coping with vaginal atrophy, nutrition in recovery after abdominoplasty surgery, financial stress, and emotional eating habits. 


Note: I am not a doctor and do not diagnose or treat disease, nor make recommendations regarding medical treatment or medications. Please see my disclosure form for more information.

Some products may have affiliate links where I get a small commission if you click on the link and buy. 

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